Wednesday, July 15, 2009

July 15th, 2009

So, since moving back home, my bedroom has been filled with things from high school, college, and other random things that I've accumulated over the past two years. Back in high school - I'm a little embarrassed to admit it now, but anyway - I was a huge fan of BBMak, and I had cut-outs and magazine pictures of them all posted on this cheetah board here. I was finally able to throw that shrine out today. What can I say?... I'm growing :) hahaha... I really should've done a before-and-after picture.

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  1. really?!?!
    aww .. i remember that thingy majigy :D

  2. Haha...I was obessessed with N SYNC. I cleaned out my room, but couldn't convince myself to throw out my binder of magazine clippings that was organized with sheet protectors.
